MAG9DEMO.ZIP1,087,169 04-01-96 Magnum BBS v9.00D2 Demo for OS/2. 2-node (1dialup + console) demo is fully functional(with some minor limitations). High-speedfile xfer, 115.2 KBaud DTE, QWK nets,handles (alias names), RJE (bacgroundprocessing), e-ma
MAG9INFO.ZIP 16,140 04-01-96 Magnum BBS Info. Describes features,pricing, etc.
PB201SW.ZIP 1,394,420 04-19-96 Powerboard BBS Software v2.01. The softwareyou need to create your own on-lineservice! Complete DOS-based BBS softwarepackage featuring unlimitedconfigurability, fast, easy setup and more.
RAPTR9B4.ZIP 706,898 06-23-96 Raptor BBS v0.09b4. Now includes InternodeTeleconference! Fido Mail compatible, 256nodes, on the fly color and Rip menugeneration. Up to 20 language files, eachwith 159 configurable strings, it's owndisplay file and m
TG_300.ZIP 555,563 06-18-96 Telegard BBS Software v3.00. Full featuredBBS software for beginners to expertsalike! Jam and Squish format message bases,powerful file section w/file tagging,mulitnode support, full multilingualsupport, RIP and more.